Middle-of-the-pack runners average around 16 hours whereas advanced runners are about one hour faster on average. If like me, you are a beginner (other than my Marathon des Sables experience a few years before) I ran over 100 miles with only 3 months of preparation and the average time for us weekend warriors is 22 hours and if you’re reaching the twilight years (the 40s and above) the average running time for 100 miles is around 28 hours. We will take a look at the mind-blowing world records for running 100 miles later in this post. It’s important to note that this particular time is for talented, super-fit athletes at the peak of their lives in terms of performance and age (18-35 years old) and interestingly, there isn’t a great deal of difference in time between the genders at the top, with women closing the gap in ultra races, especially above 100 miles. The average running time for running 100 miles according to race reports from the USA for elite adults is around 13 hours. Summary: How Long Does it Take To Run 100 Miles?.Oldest Person To Complete A 100 Miles Ultramarathon.Youngest Person To Complete A 100 Miles Ultramarathon.Fastest 100 Miles Ultramarathon (Female).World Records For 100 Miles Ultramarathons.